Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Bamboo Tablet

This is Assignment #6 in Digital Design 220. Using a drawing tablet in connection with the computer. This was just a get acquainted exercise drawing with a pen to show hand drawn artwork.

I used my bamboo tablet and pen to draw this kitty in Illustrator and then I used the brush tool in Illustrator to color with a watercolor brush. It took a while to get the brush sizing, type, pressure figured out.  There are so many variations to try.

This was my first time drawing this way and it was a little difficult not looking down at what you were doing with your hand as you were drawing. It just takes a little getting used to but I thoughly enjoyed playing around with it. With a little practice I can see where one would get really good.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Creating Fonts-LowerCase, Numbers and Symbols

In the second part of the assignment for Creating Fonts we were to make the lower case letters, numbers and 4 symbols with the same Illustrator brush from the capital letter assignment.  The lower case letters are smaller and were a bit more difficult.

I used Adobe Ilustrator and the Font Creator to accomplish this part of the assignment.

While I like the font in general, this is a tedious job making each letter. I thought I was going to make another set of fonts but at the moment it is too time consuming. I will try to do this at another time and I am sure I will do a better job.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Creating Fonts

In this part of the assignment we were to create just the capital letters of the alphabet and in another lesson we will be making the lower case letters and symbols. I used a brush that I got on the Internet for Illustrator Brushes.

I also downloaded the Font Creator Program 4.1 in order to complete this assignment. I was trying to make a swirly type font that was a little more like script and I hope that it will come across well when it is completed.

In order to complete this assignment I needed to use Adobe Illustrator and create the brushes I used and the Font Creator.

I like this font, but I am going to try to create an Illustrator brush of my own and try my hand at another set of fonts that are not as script like, something more modern or organic.

Animated Photoshop Brush

This is my first assignment in Digital Design 220 animating a Photoshop Brush using Adobe Flash.  I hope to create a scene that looks somewhat realistic with some grass brushes.

The photo I used is of the stream on my property.  The stream has lots of moss and greenery around it so I am trying to add to it.  I used an internet site that has a variety of illustrator brushes and I downloaded a few grasses along with a couple of fish brushes and fairy/butterfly brushes to decorate the photo scene in separate layers in Photoshop.  I imported to Adobe Flash and animated the layers. I published the scene as a movie and placed in Youtube and then placed into this blog.

I enjoyed this assignment. The more I played around with it, the more I found new possibilities for great ideas. I may go back and make the fish jump out of the water for my portfolio.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

  Biography of Kristine Barth

I am currently living 2 blocks from where I was born. I have lived in many places around the world, but I am right back where I started, Tacoma, Washington. I love the Pacific Northwest and love being near friends and family.

I was married twice, with the last ending 25 years of marriage with the loss of my spouse to lung cancer. I have a 17 year old daughter, who is in her senior year of High School and a running start student of Pierce College. We live in my mother's home and see to her care as she is 91 years young but housebound. Our home is on a beautiful 12 acre estate with my brother and my aunt. We have ponds and amazing wildlife to enjoy each day.

In the 70's, I was a student of Commercial Art. I married and moved to Los Angeles. I started a career in banking and after 25 years in the financial industry, I have returned to school to pursue a degree in Digital Design at Pierce College. With the advancement of the computer and technology, art has taken a new direction and I am working to catch up.