Sunday, February 12, 2012

Assignment 9, Student Literary Arts Magazine

In this assignment we were to create a cover for Pierce College's Student Literary Arts Magazine.  We were to create 2 designs and one Folio for each that would be used throughout the book.
In  the first design I used text as art and made a simple design only using white/red/black. I used Photoshop to design all of the covers.  I am submitting three even though the assignment said two, well, because we were told not to use body images and I did for one. I liked it!
I liked this project. I would have liked to have spent the time on one in order to perfect it more, but I think they all can be tweaked at a later date.  I wanted to relate to the magazine as it was a venue for art, painting, drawing, photography, digital design, and poetry, and that is why I like the one with the "body" in it.

This is my favorite because I feel it shows the actual feel of what it is to create art and design.

This design was created by using an brush in PS. Its amazing what you can do with brushes!

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