Saturday, March 17, 2012

3-D Menu Transition

In this assignment we were to make a transition animation in AfterEffects that include 2 menus and 2 transition animations between those 2 menus. We were to make a DVD and place in blog.

I used PS to make the 2 menus and AfterEffects to make the 2 animations. Then combined the animation and used Encore to create the DVD.

This was a very tedious project for 5 seconds of show. It was at a bad time for me as my attention was on my moms funeral, preparations and out-of-town visitors. I had to go back many times and redo things and it became frusterating.  I get the concept and I think it would be fun to not be under a time restraint in order to play more with the animation but as it is, I still had a problem finding why my return button showed up as "extras" when it was not. I think it had something to do with my linking but, it is what it is, and I will take what I can.

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