Saturday, March 24, 2012

Celebration of the Life of Adelaine C. Schmalenberg 8/7/1920 to 2/20/2012

Sunday, March 18, 2012

CSS3 Web

In this assignment we were to create a web page using Css3 stuff. At least four elements and a header of some sort.

I used Dreamweaver to make a web page with a header and content box and put in Css3 boxes and a shadow. I did not do a designed page and that would be nice to do with code generators. I then did a screen capture to put on my blog.

I can see where this would be so great to use in designing a web page, however, it would take a little getting back to making web pages to get more familar with it. I think it should definitly be part of class 210.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

3-D Menu Transition

In this assignment we were to make a transition animation in AfterEffects that include 2 menus and 2 transition animations between those 2 menus. We were to make a DVD and place in blog.

I used PS to make the 2 menus and AfterEffects to make the 2 animations. Then combined the animation and used Encore to create the DVD.

This was a very tedious project for 5 seconds of show. It was at a bad time for me as my attention was on my moms funeral, preparations and out-of-town visitors. I had to go back many times and redo things and it became frusterating.  I get the concept and I think it would be fun to not be under a time restraint in order to play more with the animation but as it is, I still had a problem finding why my return button showed up as "extras" when it was not. I think it had something to do with my linking but, it is what it is, and I will take what I can.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Web Template Assignment

In this assignment we were to find a template and download it from the internet. I downloaded a template and then changed the main header to include a slogan and an image of myself. I then deleted a few div's and rearranged the nav titles. I filled in with information I have been reading about. I liked using a template, however, I like doing my own page from scratch and just designing it the way I like and not worring about deleting something on the template. But with that said I can see how time saving this would be for clients in a hurry or that do not want some specific theme.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Thematic Text Project

This is my Interactive Flash Thematic Text Project
This project was done in PS and in Flash. I learned to use a mask to create a texture for some words and then learn a new way to upload to a blog. I liked this project and thought it was very interesting. I had a little problem with the upload to the web but somehow it just came up on the second try. I just don't know how that happened but I was happy to see it show up in my blog and so I am not going to mess with it.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Assignment 14 Gallopin Gertie

In this assignment we were to create a logo for the Gallopin' Gertie Model A Car Club based on information provided from them. We also needed to create an email newsletter for the car club with 3 photos.

I didn't want to use the programs to draw a logo because I just couldnt get detailed. So I hand drew both images, scanned them into PS and then into Illustrator.  Then used Dreamweaver to make a newletter. I used the logo and two pictures of my mom, who was an antique car enthusist. My Dad and her restored a 1940 Plymouth and went to many car club meets in with my aunt and uncle decked out in the clothing from the year of their cars.

I enjoyed making the logo but not so much the newletter, it was tedious. I hope the car club enjoys my drawing of the Model A.

Assignment 13 Animated Shapes

This is my Assignment 13, Animated Shapes in AfterEffects.  Using vector shapes, animated them and make them into an avi/movie file.

I used an number of different shapes, animated them, copied them, added borders, dashes, etc., and arranged in a format that would show up a face at the end.

This was a good learning experience on what Affer Effects can do. I have not worked much with this program, only as directed in some assignments.  Would like to know my way around it a bit better. Maybe down the road.