Sunday, September 11, 2011

Eyemakeup now

Photo of a pin
The cateye is a great way to add flair and seduction to any look without the overkill of trying too hard. However, when using this makeup method, application is everything. There is a fine line between the perfection of the cateye and the mismatched wing tips that make you wish you had J-Lo’s makeup artist on speed dial. But don’t fear because with a few simple steps you can achieve the perfect cateye in no time. First, you have two options of eye liner to choose from which are, liquid liner and pot liner. If you opt for the liquid liner it is best to choose a liner that has a short tip. The shorter the tip, then the more control you can have during application. Second, start from the inner corner of your eye, gently gliding the liner as close to the lash line as possible, and then stroke the liner in an upward motion at the outer corner of your eye. It is important when doing this application to apply the liner as close to the lash line as possible in order to get a natural-looking effect. Keep hope because you are almost there. Now, examine your work. Do you have that come-hither look that you were aiming for or do have the dreaded uneven wings on your eyes? If you have achieved a less than desired look just use a q-tip to sweep the liner in an upward motion to even out the wings on your eyes. And for those who would like to take this look a step further feel free to add a colored eye-liner such as, blue, green, or purple which has been a major trend on the runways and red carpets this season. Now, you too can achieve the perfect, seductive cateye if you dare. After all, by following these few, simple steps you can be confident that this is a dare you know you can win.

April Foster is a career professional in the events industry who aspires to break into the fashion industry as writer and publicist while setting the industry on fire!

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