Sunday, February 26, 2012

Assignment #12 Online Photo Galleria

In this assignment we were to create an online Photo Gallery with a banner and branding, and our own photos.

I picked pictures and optimized them for the web, worked a little on an old banner I had used in my Web Design class and use the Zip Folder provided  complete this project in Dreamweaver.

I had a bit of a hard time remembering all that I was suppose to know about creating web pages but it came back to a degree. Still had a hard time getting it to the web page when finished. I like the effect and have been thinking about using this format to give a speech.

Assignment #11 3-D Coat

In this assignment we were to create a 3-D Still Life using 3D Coat. My portable hard drive crashed and I lost my assignments from my 3-D class and my model I had previously made in 3-D Coat.

Annoyed, I just used a model from the 3D Coat program, even though we were not suppose to.  Just not enough time to recreate what was lost.

I really like 3D Coat, even from my 3-D Class.  It was fairly easy to work with and I would have liked to make a new model but I just did not have time.

Assignment #10 3-D PopUp

In this assignment we were to create a 3-D Pop-Up Photo Gallery with 8-10 images of our own that runs 20-30 seconds.

I used PS to gather all my photos and create a background and save for web. Then they needed to be downloaded into AfterEffects and animated to pop up from a ground plane as a camera moved from side to side. We were to have lights and shadows but allowed not to since we did not go over in class. I couldnt get the lights to do what I wanted.  Then I downloaded to Premier Pro and added a title and end page along with music. .

This was the most frusterating assignment of all. I did everything at least 3 times and I just couldnt get it.  I liked my theme and the photos but at this point I still do not have the assignment uploaded.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Assignmnet 8 (cont) Brushes

Art Brush in Illustrator
Scatter Brush in Illustrator

These are the two brushes I created in Illustrator.

I used a more graphic type design with rectangles and circles.  These brushes though not more difficult to make, they took a bit of manipulation. I guess I will just have to get the hang of it by doing more.

I think you really have to have a design in mind before you make the brushes because they are a bit more work to manipulate than in PS.  I did not have the patience to work on what I really wanted.

Assignment #8 Brushes in Photoshop

In this assignment we were to create a mini brush set in both Photoshop and Illustrator.  The above are two of my brushes from PS.  I decorated one of my photos with a pinecone brush and the other I just decorated with a brush I made with a photo itself.

I used PS and a photo I had, and turned the photos to black and white and then adjusted the threshold. Then defined the brush and added to the brush library. I used the pinecone brush to feather around the photo of my daughter for a different effect.

This was an interesting project and I liked all the possiblities that learning to work with brushes brings.  I even used a brush to create one of the Assgn #9  SLAM designs.

Assignment 9 Folios

Folio for Design 1

Folio for Design 3

Folio for Design 2

Assignment 9, Student Literary Arts Magazine

In this assignment we were to create a cover for Pierce College's Student Literary Arts Magazine.  We were to create 2 designs and one Folio for each that would be used throughout the book.
In  the first design I used text as art and made a simple design only using white/red/black. I used Photoshop to design all of the covers.  I am submitting three even though the assignment said two, well, because we were told not to use body images and I did for one. I liked it!
I liked this project. I would have liked to have spent the time on one in order to perfect it more, but I think they all can be tweaked at a later date.  I wanted to relate to the magazine as it was a venue for art, painting, drawing, photography, digital design, and poetry, and that is why I like the one with the "body" in it.

This is my favorite because I feel it shows the actual feel of what it is to create art and design.

This design was created by using an brush in PS. Its amazing what you can do with brushes!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Assignment #4 Vinyl Cutting

Assignment #4 for Digital Design was to Cut Vinyl.  We were to make a design, text or logo in three colors.

I used Photoshop for the text and the Roland software program to download and cut the text out. I then used tape to transfer the cut out text unto background.

This was a fairly simple assignment as long as everything worked for you.  It will be interesting for bumper stickers and I think I will use this to create some stickers for my daughter who runs for lung cancer.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Concept Art (b)

This is assignment #7 in Digital Design 220. In this assignment we were to create two pieces of concept art in accordance to the character of story given. It could be of characters, landscape/buildings or spaceships. I chose to do two characters in the story.
I used Photoshop after hand sketching the characters and then scanning into the program. I made the background from a photo I took of tree bark. I also used the bamboo tablet for the majority of the coloring, shading and drawing.

I thoroughly enjoyed this project. I wish I had more time to perfect it and learn the art of shading and making it look more 3-D. This character took me less time to create than the first so I felt good that I was getting better.

Concept Art (a)

This is assignment #7 in Digital Design 220. In this assignment we were to create two pieces of concept art in accordance to the characters of story given.  It could be of characters, landscape/buildings or spaceships.  I chose to do two characters in the story.

I used Photoshop after hand sketching the characters and then scanning into the program.  I made the background from a photo I took of tree bark.  I also used the bamboo tablet for the majority of the coloring, shading and drawing.

I really learned to like the tablet alot. I had a hard time at first but it grew easier and faster as the drawing progressed. I wish I know how to do the shading with more expertise. I feel like this first character was done in baby steps and more cartoony in looks as I outlined the subject more.  I really liked this once I was done but as I started the second character I saw how much better I was getting. So, sadly this is not my favorite of the two.