Sunday, February 5, 2012

Concept Art (a)

This is assignment #7 in Digital Design 220. In this assignment we were to create two pieces of concept art in accordance to the characters of story given.  It could be of characters, landscape/buildings or spaceships.  I chose to do two characters in the story.

I used Photoshop after hand sketching the characters and then scanning into the program.  I made the background from a photo I took of tree bark.  I also used the bamboo tablet for the majority of the coloring, shading and drawing.

I really learned to like the tablet alot. I had a hard time at first but it grew easier and faster as the drawing progressed. I wish I know how to do the shading with more expertise. I feel like this first character was done in baby steps and more cartoony in looks as I outlined the subject more.  I really liked this once I was done but as I started the second character I saw how much better I was getting. So, sadly this is not my favorite of the two.

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