Sunday, February 26, 2012

Assignment #10 3-D PopUp

In this assignment we were to create a 3-D Pop-Up Photo Gallery with 8-10 images of our own that runs 20-30 seconds.

I used PS to gather all my photos and create a background and save for web. Then they needed to be downloaded into AfterEffects and animated to pop up from a ground plane as a camera moved from side to side. We were to have lights and shadows but allowed not to since we did not go over in class. I couldnt get the lights to do what I wanted.  Then I downloaded to Premier Pro and added a title and end page along with music. .

This was the most frusterating assignment of all. I did everything at least 3 times and I just couldnt get it.  I liked my theme and the photos but at this point I still do not have the assignment uploaded.

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